And so it’s here.
This is the day I depart, fly the coup, plus leave the
country. So many mixed feelings attached to this day. I mean I’m excited, so
very excited – yet it’s so daunting as well.
The last three weeks have been so overwhelming. So
different to just moving house, I just can’t believe the amount of belongings,
(crap, stuff), that I have discarded. I mean, how on earth did I buy all those
things, and why? When did I think I needed all those cushions? Five bags worth I
gave away. That extra big linen cupboard was a vortex that sucked me into stuffing
it, I’m sure. Our life belongings have been reduced to twenty or so boxes and
the ten or so bags we have taken with us. Sentimental possessions, which I
couldn’t part with, and my shoes and our clothes.
Yep. All the furniture has been sold, the storage costs
were ridiculous, so better off to get rid of it and start anew when we return.
At first, this was very hard. This house held so many good memories after all,
and it was one which we had designed, watched being built, and furnished in our
own way. Our children have grown up in this house, from teenagers to adults,
moved out and in and out again. But once the big decision was made and the
selling and culling began, I just wanted it over with.
Comments have come from everyone we know, and I am pleased
to say that on the most part everyone has been very supportive of the decision
we have made. Some though, question it. And that is fine as well. I mean who
decides to just uproot themselves from the country they grew up in, to move to
an over populated one, a third world country in some parts, to begin the next
chapter of their lives?
Well, we do!
Why Bali, I was asked more than once, despite people
knowing the love we have of this island and its people. Really, I’m not sure I
know the answer to that fully. We both decided though that life for us couldn’t
continue in the way it was. Nine to five jobs, that really became seven to six
for both of us, if not longer some days. Paying a mortgage, struggling occasionally
and forging our way through the different health issues we’ve both had.
It had to change.
We needed to make time for us. Needed to start living,
together not separately. Needed to spend time doing something we enjoyed,
something we could derive satisfaction from, and still be able to provide a
lifestyle for ourselves. We began by discussing a three month stay, which then
turned into six months, which then turned into lets give this a go. And give it
a go we are!
By no means are we under some illusion, that this is all
just going to transpire on its own. We realise that this restaurant will
involve our work, our sweat, our tears, and our hearts. It will be totally
dependent on the feedback of those who patronize us. It will be totally reliant
on those who work with us to provide an environment that entices customers,
tempts them to return and encourages them to shout our name out to all those
that they know. But, shit, it’s going to be one hell of a ride!
Our lives will be much simpler, much less cluttered, and
hopefully so will our minds, and our bodies hopefully just that little bit healthier.
No winter to care about, warm, hot days, everyday.
There’s the Balinese way of life to explore, the culture to understand, and the
food to experience. There are all those places that we haven’t seen as yet on
the island and across South East Asia.
So much to look
forward to.
It really is a dream come true, a restaurant on a beach.
Yes, we’ve taken a leap of faith, and sure, we could
land flat on our faces, or our asses, or both. But hey, what an adventure we
have ahead of us. What tales we have to tell later in life, and what memories
we can make together. It really is a new beginning.
Don’t call us
Crazy is never taking the chance, never allowing your
heart to beat that little bit faster, never allowing yourself to live to your
full potential.
Live, Love, Laugh.
Jo. xx
So admire what you have done & what lies ahead for you Jojo xx